Barbell Back Shoulder Row: Detailed Tutorial on Barbell Back Shoulder Row

Rear Delt Row is a relatively difficult movement to perform in a standardized manner, and the classic rowing movement for exercising the back is similar to it, so it is necessary to strictly distinguish the standardized movements first. It is recommended to use a barbell bent over back shoulder row. It is most beneficial to use a moderately heavy bar collar to feel the technical requirements of the movement.

Target muscle group:Rear deltoid

Action essentials:

1. Lean over, with your body close to a horizontal position, and your knees slightly bent; or lie flat on the bench, with your shoulders exposed in the front of the bench; hold the barbell or dumbbell in your forehand with a wider grip than shoulder width;

2. At the beginning, hold the barbell with your upper arms vertical and downward; pull the barbell or dumbbell upward; stretch your shoulders until your upper arms are above the horizontal position

3. Lower down the original path slowly and in a controlled manner, and repeat.


1. Pay attention to the difference between rowing and exercising the back: Hold the barbell wide, and when pulling it up, do not clamp your body with your arms, there should be a distance, fully develop your back shoulders backwards, and pull your upper arms up as high as possible high position.

2. The body after leaning over must be close to the waterFlat position, otherwise the action will not have obvious effect on the rear deltoid muscles, so there is no need to worry about this when doing rear shoulder rowing while lying flat on a flat bench.

3. There are many forms of back shoulder rowing, which can be done with barbells and dumbbells, or with equipment such as cable machines and Smith machines:

(1) Dumbbell back shoulder row

(2) Rope back shoulder row

(3) Smith machine rear shoulder row

(4) T-bar back shoulder row

(5) Other equipment back shoulder row