Illustrated tutorial on cross-body crunch action

Aerial pedaling, also known as supine cross rotation, is the best all-round comprehensive exercise method for abdominal muscles< /p>

Target exercise areas: Rectus abdominis, external obliques, and the transversus abdominis deep in the abdomen.

Action essentials:

Body Lie flat on the mat, straighten your legs, bend your elbows with your arms, place your hands half-lying fists by your ears, then take a deep breath, roll your abdomen up to the highest point, and then use your elbow joint to touch it Go to the other side of your body and bend your knees. At the same time, lift the other leg off the ground and straighten it. Then, with your abdomen always tightened, swing your body so that the elbow joint on the other side touches the other side. At this time, start to bend the side of the leg back to the straightened state, but keep it off the ground. Inhale during the rotation, breathe the moment the elbow joint touches the knee, and then repeat the exercise.


The first thing to pay attention to is breathing. At the beginning, due to poor abdominal muscle strength and slow movements, the breathing rate is easier to control. As the abdominal muscles strengthen, the frequency of exercise speeds up, and breathing also speeds up. Always keep your breathing consistent with your movements.

The second thing to note is that the elbow joints should try to touch the knees. Only in this way can the range of motion be guaranteed and all the abdominal muscles can be mobilized to achieve the purpose of comprehensively exercising the abdominal muscles. ">