[Knowledge] Angels and Demons of Carbohydrates

The brain, nervous system and muscles require approximately 60-65% of total carbohydrate sources as a source of energy. The main carbohydrates used in the body are glucose. The glucose in the blood is called blood sugar, as well as muscle sugar and glycogen! It is the main source of energy for most cells in the body.

Our muscles and brain need good carbohydrates to provide the energy they need to function. The brain relies on glucose to keep thoughts clear. When the supply of carbohydrates is insufficient, the body will enter starvation mode. At this time, the glucose needed by the brain will be synthesized from amino acids obtained from muscle breakdown.

Carbohydrates are everywhere in our food! But not every food is the same!

What is the difference between a sandwich made with white bread and a sandwich made with whole wheat bread?

What is the difference between French fries and a salad made with spinach, tomatoes, and carrots?

These foods are carbohydrates. But there are good and bad ones!

★What are good carbohydrates?

Good carbs are complex carbohydrates, which are full of dietary starch and often high in fiber. They contain fewer sugar molecules, so they have a lower glycemic index and requireTakes longer to digest.

Most of us know that good carbohydrates are: plant foods, which in addition to carbohydrates, can also provide nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals and plant compounds.

Whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits are all good sources of carbohydrates.

High fiber

Why fiber in carbohydrates is important

Fiber is the part of plant foods that humans cannot digest. Although fiber cannot be absorbed, it is very important to the human body.

Fiber slows down the absorption of other foods eaten with the meal, including carbohydrates.

Such slowing may help avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar levels, which may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Certain fibers found in oats, beans and fruits can also help lower blood cholesterol levels.

Increase satiety so you don’t feel hungry for longer

I can choose fiber-rich carbohydrates to reap the health benefits. This type of carbohydrate is absorbed slowly in our body, which can prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar. Whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes are good carbohydrates.

Good carbohydrate foods include:

1. Vegetables are the first choice, especially green vegetables like cabbage, dark green lettuce, etc.

2. Beans, such as black beans, mung beans, lentils and green beans.

3. Seeds, including sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

4. Nuts, the best ones are: hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds and peanuts.

5. Fruits, although they are full of fructose, are full of fiber, so they take longer to digest. They're full of natural vitamins and minerals, making them a better alternative to sophisticated sweets.

6. Whole grains, such as brown rice, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, barley, bread and noodles made from whole wheat, multi-grain cereals and breads, and large oatmeal.

7. Potatoes, sweet potatoes and other root vegetables.

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